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獣医学専攻博士課程では、「One World, One Health, One Medicine」の理念に基づき、ライフサイエンス、パブリックヘルスサイエンス、クリニカルサイエンスを含む、広範な獣医学分野から多角的な視点と手法を俯瞰的に統合し、さまざまな問題に対処できる協調性と創造性に富んだ次世代研究者と将来の指導者を育てます。このため、学生が専門分野に留まらず、専門外の専門家の意見を取り入れながら、独自の研究活動を展開できる能力を養います。


  • 動物から人へのTranslation Research Mindである「One World, One Health, One Medicine」の精神に基づき、動物医療から人間医療まで幅広い疾患に対する新しい診断法、治療方法、予防策を探求するための科学的創造力を身につけた次世代ライフサイエンス研究者。
  • 感染症学、公衆衛生学、衛生学の分野で、社会構造の変容に対応しつつ関連疾患の原因解明や新たな診断法、治療方法、予防策の開発に取り組む次世代パブリックヘルスサイエンス研究者。
  • Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicineの原則を修得し、次世代のTailor-MadeVeterinary Medicine の担い手となる臨床獣医師・動物看護師及びそれら最先端の獣医療を追求できる次世代クリニカルサイエンス研究者。

専任教員及び研究内容/ Research interests of faculty members

PhD Program in Veterinary Science

Our PhD Program in Veterinary Science embraces the “One World, One Health, One Medicine” philosophy. It empowers students to tackle multifaceted challenges by integrating diverse perspectives and methodologies from various veterinary science domains, including life sciences, public health sciences, and clinical sciences. Our goal is to foster the next generation of collaborative and creative scientists and future leaders. We emphasize the development of students’ ability to conduct original research while incorporating insights from experts outside their expertise.

Our Vision for Carrier goals

  1. Next-generation life science scientists with scientific creativity to explore novel diagnostic, treatment, and preventive methods for a wide range of diseases spanning from animal to human medicine. They adopt a “One World, One Health, One Medicine” research mindset.
  2. Future public health science scientists specializing in infectious diseases and public health. They work to uncover the root causes of relevant diseases and pioneer new diagnostic, therapeutic, and preventive approaches while adapting to evolving societal structures.
  3. Clinical veterinarians and veterinary nurses trained in Evidence-Based Veterinary Medicine. They are poised to lead the era of Tailor-Made Veterinary Medicine. Furthermore, our program produces next-generation clinical science researchers equipped to advance cutting-edge veterinary medicine.